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Valvular Heart Disease Specialist

Pinnacle Healthcare System

Cardiology & Internal Medicine & Nephrology located in Hollywood, FL & Pembroke Pines, FL

When valvular heart disease goes untreated, you’re at risk for serious problems like heart damage, blood clots, arrhythmias, stroke, and heart failure. The board-certified physicians at Pinnacle Healthcare System have helped many patients recover from heart valve problems by skillfully performing procedures to repair and replace the damaged valve. To schedule an appointment, call one of the offices in Hollywood or Pembroke Pines, Florida, or use the online booking feature today.

Valvular Heart Disease Q & A

What are the different types of valvular heart disease?

Your heart has four valves that open to let blood flow in one direction and close to stop it from flowing backward. Valvular heart disease occurs when any condition affects one or more of these valves.

Your heart valves can develop valvular stenosis and valve regurgitation. Heart valve stenosis occurs when the valve thickens, which narrows the opening and reduces blood flow. 

Regurgitation develops when the valve flaps bulge instead of closing normally. As a result, some blood can flow back in the wrong direction.

Both conditions can affect all four valves, where they’re referred to as:

  • Mitral valve disease
  • Aortic valve disease
  • Tricuspid valve disease
  • Pulmonary valve disease

The pulmonary and tricuspid valves may also be affected by a congenital condition in which a solid piece of tissue blocks the valve.

What symptoms develop if I have valvular heart disease?

You can have minor heart valve disease and significant symptoms or severe valve disease with few indications.

Valvular heart disease causes problems such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Inability to participate in everyday activities
  • Swollen feet, ankles, or abdomen
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heart palpitations

Heart palpitations refer to having a fast heartbeat, skipping a beat, or the sensation of fluttering in your chest.

How is valvular heart disease treated?

In the early stages of heart valve disease, your provider may recommend lifestyle changes and medications that prevent blood clots. Once the valve interferes with your heart’s ability to pump blood, you will need surgery to restore normal circulation.

Your provider at Pinnacle Healthcare System performs one of these procedures:

Valve repair

Techniques your provider may use to repair a valve include patching holes, reconnecting valve flaps, separating fused valve flaps, enlarging the valve opening, or removing excess tissue. They may also implant a ring around the valve to improve its strength. 

Valve replacement

When the valve is beyond repair, your provider removes the damaged valve and replaces it. You may get a mechanical valve or a biological replacement made from human, cow, or pig heart tissue.

If you have questions about valvular heart disease, call Pinnacle Healthcare System or schedule an appointment online today.